Introduction to social science

                    Social science

Definition of social science
 John v Michaelis stated that the social science are concerned with man and his interaction with his social and physical environment ,they deal with human relationship .

Meaning of social science 

Social science include a wide variety of branches of  knowledge from History ,philosophy,education which deals with people and utilizes a scientific method .The main aim of social science is the development of well informed intelligent person capable of solving his days today problem and keen to accept responsibility of a good citizens .social science is quite important because it iw unending dialogue between past and present .social science helps children to develop an insight human relationship 

Nature of social science 

  • An unique combination of various discipline
  • A study of human affairs
  • A study of mens development through ages
  • It aims at preparing the learner for whole some social  living
  • A realistic course of study

Aims of teaching social science

To built social competence
To built intelligent democratic citizenship
To help the child acquire the right attitudes ,knowledge ,understanding 
To help the child gain insight  into spiritual ,economic ,political values
To foster attitudes to knowledge for changing social life
To foster national feeling 
To promote international understanding 

 Features of social science 

Social science are those parts of cultural knowledge directly bearing on mans activities in specific field 
Social sciences are the advanced studies of human society to be taught to mature students
The purpose of social science is to find out new truth about human relationship ,social  utility and advancement of knowledge .

Importance of teaching  social science 

Objectives of studying social sience

Characteristics of social science 
